Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Tech Weekly podcast

Tech Weekly podcast: Hacking, Samsung's smartphones and how touchscreens work

Nintendo, Sony, Codemasters – even the US Senate has been targeted by hackers. But why is there suddenly so much hacking, and where is it coming from?

Media files (MP3 Format Sound, 35.6 MB)

In this week's Tech Weekly podcast, Aleks Krotoski, Jemima Kiss and Charles Arthur look at the technology that seems so far away, but that now lives in the palms of our hands: touchscreen.
They also dissect the latest news stories, from the decline of social network site Facebook to the rise of cyberwarfare.
Also, as Samsung is expected to become the world's biggest smartphone manufacturer, we ask: what's happened to Nokia?
All this plus the headlines and a good deal of high-res banter.
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