Monday, 30 April 2012

INFOGRAPHIC : Google Versus Facebook On Privacy & Security

It’s the classic ongoing battle which has been raging relentlessly without a ceasefire since the birth of social networking – how much privacy and security (if any) do you actually have on these sites? And who wins in these areas (if anyone)?  The two top dogs currently slugging it out for the number one spot are Google and Facebook. Each both have things going for them and things going against them.
For example, Google kicks the pants off Facebook when it comes to working capital and monthly unique users.  But the search engine giant falls down completely in the areas of banning the use of pseudonyms and blocking individuals from seeing a post.  Both sites are also the subject of a huge number of cyberattacks, which will put your data at risk when someone finally succeeds at breaking through.  So who has the best firewalls and site security?
It’s difficult to tell for sure who trumps who in the privacy and security battles, which is why this handy infographic from Veracode sums things up nicely for you to make your own mind up.  Let us know what you think.  Who would you trust more with your private information?  Google or Facebook?  Or neither?  Do you think either network is improving in these areas or getting worse?
Click on the infographic to be taken to a larger version

google facebook privacy security


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